SkyTrak Parts Manuals
Manufacturer: Skytrak. 2011 SkyTrak 10054 - 10,000lbs Lift Cap / 54’ Lift Height Hours-2691 Cummins Diesel Engine, 80% Foam Filled Tires, 4WD, Crab-Steering, Auxiliary Hydraulics, Carriage w/ Forks No Solicitation Calls.
Model 3606
Parts 8990299
Model 4266
Parts 8990367
SkyTrak is the industry’s best-selling brand of telehandlers. The SkyTrak 10054 telehandler is an operator-friendly solution for any job site. By continuing to browse this website, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. SkyTrak 10054 Telehandler Parts Manual PDF Download. This manual may contain attachments and optional equipment that are not available in your area. Please consult your local distributor for those items you may require. Materials and specifications are subject to change without notice. WARNING: Unsafe Use of this machine may.
Skytrak 10054 Tires
Models 4270, 4290
Parts 8990438
Skytrak 10054 Specifications
Model 5028
Parts 8990183
Models 5030, 6034
Parts 8990041
Model 6036(SN 14833 and Before)
Parts 8990150

Model 6036 Legacy(SN 14834 thru 19988 and 0160002345 thru 0160044900)
Parts 8990417
Models 6036, 6042(SN 0160045066 thru 0160069719 including 0160042742 0160042747 and 0160042755 excluding 0160065792, 0160065798, 0160065824, 0160069383 and 0160069411)
Parts 31200731
Models 6036, 6042 (SN 0160069720 to Present including 0160065792, 0160065798, 0160065824, 0160069383 and 0160069411)
Parts 31211016

Model 6042 (SN 17019 thru 19897 and 0160002408 thru 0160045063 excluding 0160042742 0160042747 and 0160042755)
Parts 8990467
Model 7038
Parts 8990084
Model 8038
Parts 8990138
Skytrak 10054 Sale
Model 9038
Parts 8990087 | Parts 8990160
Models 8042, 10042, 10054(SN 13197 and Before)
Parts 8990187
Models 8042, 10042, 10054(SN 13198 to 19987 and 0160002332 thru 0160045249 including 45255 excluding 42754, 42762, 42877, 42911, 43185, 43220 and 43244)
Parts 8990395
Skytrak 10054 Service Manual
Models 8042 10042 10054(SN 0160045250 thru 0160069718 including 42754, 42762, 42877, 42911, 43185, 43220 and 43244 excluding 45255, 65791, 65796, 65825, 65826, 69336, 69359, 69441,69566 ,69567 and 69568)
Parts 31200732
Models 8042, 10042, 10054 (SN 0160069719 to Present including 0160065791, 0160065796, 0160065825, 0160065826, 0160069336, 0160069359, 0160069441, 0160069566, 0160069567 and 0160069568)
Parts 31211017